Curator of medieval and early modern manuscripts at the National Library of Sweden. Creator and developer of – A Digital Catalogue of Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts in Sweden.
Responsible for the cataloguing infrastructure and the publication of digitised manuscripts.
Responsible for the cataloguing infrastructure and the conversion of project database into TEI.
Responsible for the conversion of existing printed descriptions into TEI and the publication of digitised manuscripts.
Responsible for the cataloguing infrastructure and the publication of digitised manuscripts.
Responsible for the cataloguing infrastructure and data conversion.
Responsible for the cataloguing infrastructure and data conversion.
Responsible for the medieval and early modern manuscripts, the reference library concerning manuscripts, and the development of
Cataloguing of Greek manuscripts and development of encoding schema in TEI. Primarily working with development of the Manuscripta database for publication of TEI encoded manuscript descriptions.
Encoding of Latin inscriptions in XML and development of publication platform.
Doctor of Philosophy in Greek
Licentiate of Philosophy in Greek
Master of Arts
Matriculation Exam
Master Programme in Library and Information Science.
Ph.D. Student at the Department of Classical Philology (part-time).
Studies in Greek, Latin and Philosophy.
Studies in Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Latin and Greek
Upper secondary school.
Assisting teacher in an international master's course.
15 lessons consisting of lectures and examinations on Sophocles' Oedipus Rex.
Presentation av Manuscripta och IIIF implementeringen (in Swedish)
Presentation av TTT-projektet och Manuscripta (in Swedish)
Presentation av TTT-projektet och Manuscripta (in Swedish)
Att forska på digitala medeltida handskrifter (in Swedish)
Manuscripta och IIIF (in Swedish)
TTT-projektet och Manuscripta (in Swedish)
Presentation och demo av (in Swedish)
Presentation och demo av (in Swedish)
Presentation och demo av (in Swedish)
Presentation och demo av (in Swedish)
Presentation och demo av (in Swedish)
Presentation och demo av (in Swedish)
"Grekiska handskrifter i Sverige", Hellenika 143 (2013) 8–9. [co-authored with Eva Nyström]
"Ny digital katalog över fornsvenska handskrifter", in A Copenhagen Miscellany, ed. by Simon Skovgaard Boeck and Seán D. Vrieland, Studies in East Norse Philology (Odense 2019) 79–90. [co-authored with Patrik Åström]