Presentation för bibliografiska rådet
KB, Stockholm, 27 juni 2023
Patrik Granholm, Kungliga biblioteket
Digital katalog över medeltida och tidigmoderna handskrifter i Sverige
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<element attribut="värde">innehåll</element>
<author xml:lang="la">Hesiodus</author>
<title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">Opera et dies</title>
<locus from="2r" to="8v" scheme="folios"/>
Transkription av text
Metadata om digitisering
<country ref="">Sweden</country>
<settlement ref="">Stockholm</settlement>
<institution ref="">National Library of Sweden</institution>
<repository ref="">National Library of Sweden</repository>
<idno type="shelfmark">A 7</idno>
<idno type="id" subtype="Libris">zcvg71kqwvg8bjwv</idno>
<idno type="id" subtype="Regina">004819469</idno>
<msItem class="acta">
<locus from="1v" to="23v" scheme="folios"/>
<textLang mainLang="la"/>
<title type="desc" xml:lang="en">Summary of the canonization process of Saint Birgitta of Sweden</title>
<rubric xml:lang="la">Rubricacio seu summa. Rubricacio seu summa tocius processus canonizacionis beate
Brigide de Swecia</rubric>
<incipit defective="false">In nomine yhesu christi Misericordis et pii Ac eius Virginis matris et Beati
Ieronimi Amen. QVia dominus noster papa et Collegium Cardinalium multis et arduis que in Romane curie
alueum vndique confluunt quasi torrens</incipit>
<explicit defective="true">ixl dies accedentibus uero singulis infra octauas dei festi ad sepulchrum
ipsum. xl. dies de iniuncta sibi penitencia misericorditer Relaxamus.</explicit>
<p> The rubric is inscribed on <locus from="1v" to="1v" scheme="folios"/> in a tall, compressed and
elaborate style. The upper parts of the letters in <foreign xml:lang="la">beate</foreign> are
missing due to tear in the leaf. </p>
<locus from="1r" to="1r" scheme="folios"/>
<locus from="22v" to="23v" scheme="folios"/>
</locusGrp> are blank. </p>
<title ref="" type="short">Collijn (1924–1924)</title>
<citedRange unit="page" from="571" to="607"/>
<origin>Written by Italian scribes c.
<origDate when="1391">1391</origDate>
<placeName ref="">Rome</placeName>
, see
<title ref="" type="short">Collijn (1924–1924)</title>
<citedRange unit="page" from="iv" to="vii"/>
<citedRange unit="page" from="xiv" to="xiv"/>
Kort beskrivning: titel, ursprung, datering, material, omfång, storlek, språk, dekorationer, digitisering
Detaljerad beskrivning: innehåll, kodikologi, historia etc.
Detaljerad beskrivning: innehåll, kodikologi, historia etc.
Detaljerad beskrivning: innehåll, kodikologi, historia etc.
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